Hey! I’m Angela
I graduated with a Computer Science degree and have experience with website design on content management systems before discovering UX. However, during the last quarter of my college career, I was given the chance to dabble with app design! I learned about the amount of careful thinking that goes into creating a seemingly simple product and how much more I enjoyed discovering what should be included in said product than actually developing it! Even though UX design is my new passion, I still use the knowledge I obtained as a Computer Science graduate to gauge how feasible my design decisions are.
Additionally, as someone who has created website templates for those who don’t know how to code, I had to constantly take into consideration how to make their lives easier. And as a UX designer, this has helped me tremendously in looking at products I am creating from all angles and perspectives. I want my products to provide value to those they are created for and connect to users on a more personal level.
My ears will always be open to listen to and acknowledge the experiences of the people I am creating for so I can hone my skills, grow, and design more meaningful products.
My Hobbies
pin collecting • painting my nails • watching anime • scouring Spotify for music
check out my all time favorite songs here 😆